Beyonce is Back
Last week the new Beyonce Lemonade album, was released and in true style the Beyhive went into overdrive. There was so much chatter online, I thought i’d wait and make up my mind before writing this review.
A different type of concept album
There are 2 ways to digest this album, visually and audibly. I found myself feeling different after each. Just as with her last album ‘BEYONCÉ’ every track has video that accompanies it. The difference this time is that Lemonade has a through vein which addresses the trails and tribulations that Queen B, may have had in her relationship with Jay-Z in recent years. Giving us a 1 hour piece of visual art. Now whether the subject matter is true, exaggerated or hypothetical, it’s a definite departure from the Bey we have seen before. There were hints of this on the last album, but this time, she has put it all on the table. It’s definitely NOT her most child friendly album.
Did Jay-Z cheat on Beyonce? Marketing Genius!!
With most albums, there are 2 boxes that need ticking to make it great. The music itself and the lyrical content. With regard to this new Beyonce Lemonade album, most of the things I have seen, or that have popped up online, have been geared towards the lyrical content. To be fair, it’s been a stroke of marketing genius. Everybody wants to know what’s been going on between Hip Hop’s power couple. And the only way you can get an insight, is to watch or listen to the album. No statements are being made, no interviews are being given.
Record sales though…they are as healthy as can be. The thing is, there is no doubt some truth in all the rumours, but what we are seeing and hearing about, is long since fixed. A media savvy couple like this don’t air their dirty laundry in public without coming to some agreement first. Proof of that, lies in the fact that for a short time the album was exclusively available on Tidal(Jay-Z’s Lossless music streaming service).
The songs
Lets get down to the real reason we are here. The music. With only 12 tracks coming in at only 45 mins, the new Beyonce Lemonade album is pretty short by today’s standards. But good things come in small packages. This isn’t an album where you skip tracks. There are a wide variety of musical styles here, from Country to Dub, from Rock to Trap. And its all beautifully put together. So much so that its hard to pick favourites, but I predict ‘Sorry‘, ‘All Night’ and ‘Hold Up‘ to be heard pumping loud from car stereos, and in high street shops for months and years to come. Its not often an Album becomes an instant classic. This one will, and it’s destined to be one that triggers memories of what you were doing in the summer of 2016.
Beyonce Lemonade album – The short film
The visual side to the album, is edgy and quite dark in places but definitely worth a watch. Its longer than the album itself, coming in at just over an hour. And contains additional poetry, which I was surprised to find wasn’t written by Beyonce. It does however, still fuel the relationship issue fire. One other thing to note is that its already causing a stir in the Illuminati forums and groups, and I can see why. But knowing that these groups publish lots of content online, it would be another clever move to pander to their beliefs and get a little extra coverage. The Beyonce’s devil horns of fire that pop up in the ‘Hold On’ video, are going to spark many a debate once people notice them.
There is one last thing I would like to address, and that’s a notion that some people have, and are writting about. This Album is not solely aimed at black women. They may be the deeper subject matter, and there may be a message there for them. But that doesn’t mean its only going to resonate with black women. Its like saying ’12 Years a Slave’ is only for black audiences. I’m sorry, but all races can learn from what others endure and the stories of their endurance. Come on people, lets lose the chip on your shoulder!!
The new Beyonce Lemonade album is a sensation that will be pondered over and studied for years to come, and if nothing else the music is absolutely fantastic! All hail the queen still has the crown!

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