Thor Ragnarok Film Review – Thunder Will Reign
Marvel’s 17th film release hit the box office last week and as expected went straight to number one. The film studio has built up such a reputation that it was hardly a surprise. Its nearly 10 years since Ironman and some may wonder do they still pack a punch creatively. Or is it just the same old same old? Well in this Thor Ragnarok Film Review I will address that and whether its worth shelling out your hard earned cash once again.
Setting the stage!
We catch up with Thor who has split up with Jane (Natalie Portman) and is busy protecting Asgard and the 9 realms. Things seem to be running smoothly but his deceased brother Loki has left a little few loose ends which will need tying up. If that wasn’t enough Heimdall protector of the Bifrost and seer has disappeared suggesting something is a foot. Here begins Ragnarok!!

Whats the Verdict?
Thor Ragnarok is another triumph for Marvel. It’s pure entertainment from start to finish and this has a lot to do with its director Taika Waititi. His unique style and humorous approach are evident from the outset. He has even given himself a role and brought a couple of actors from previous project Hunt for the Wilderpeople on board (If you haven’t seen this put it on your must see list now). Known for the comedic nature of his films Waititi has made the funniest Marvel film to date (No, Deadpool doesn’t even get a look in, its made by 20th Century Fox). It’s got laugh out loud comedy that will have you leaving the cinema with a smile on your face.
Having said that, there is a generous helping of action and adventure which you’d expect from any superhero movie these days but it’s been a while since I’ve had that “OMG he’s gonna do it!!!!” feeling. But I had that at least twice during Ragnarok.
Acting wise there are great performances from all involved. Cate Blanchett is fantastic as the evil Hela, Jeff Goldblum is quirky cool as the Grandmaster, and Idris Elba is a man of few words but who needs words when you have presence. But the films stars Hemsworth and Ruffalo do steal the show with some hilarious improv scenes.
In Conclusion
Overall Thor Ragnarok is my favourite blockbuster of 2017 to date but we still have a month left and 2 challengers in the form of Justice League and Star Wars – The Last Jedi to come. Lets see what happens.
I hope you enjoyed this Thor Ragnarok Film Review and please do let me know your thoughts in the comments section below. Plus don’t forget to check out some of my other reviews. See you soon 😉
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